Fluorescent Organic Compounds
Phosphorescent Metal Complexes
Intramolecular Charge Transfer
Excited-State Dynamics
Photoinduced Electron Transfer
Excited-State Energy Transfer
Luminescent Materials
Artificial Photosynthesis
研究概要/Research Outline
我々の身のまわりは色の付いている物質や光る物質で満ち溢れています。これらの性質はそれぞれ物質による可視光線の吸収・放出に由来します。また人工光合成(光 → 化学物質)や太陽電池(光 → 電気)に代表されるように、光エネルギーを異種エネルギーへと変換する(光-エネルギー変換)系の構築は非常に重要な研究課題になっています。本研究室では、分子やその複合体を基本とする様々な光吸収・発光物質を創出し、さらに周辺環境応答性や光励起(≒光吸収)をきっかけとする反応といった機能性を付与した系の構築とその理解を目指しています。
All around us, there are many materials which appear or glow with color by absorbing or emitting visible light. These properties originates from the visible-light absorption and emission by materials. In addition, the construction of systems which convert light energy into different types of energy (i.e., solar–energy conversion such as artificial photosynthesis and photovoltaics) has become an extremely important research topic. Our group aim to develop light-absorbing and -emitting materials based on molecular/supramolecular systems, and to construct and understand the photofunctional systems exhibiting responsiveness to the surrounding environment, reactions triggered by photoexcitation (≈ light absorption) and so forth.
In all the projects, we construct materials/systems with better properties through the cycle of design, synthesis/preparation, measurements, data analysis/understanding and feedback to the design.
Light-Absorbing/Emitting Materials
可視光を吸収あるいは放出する物質は、塗料や電界発光(electroluminescence: EL)素子における色素として利用することができます。様々な骨格・構造・置換基を有する物質を系統的に合成し、その光吸収・発光の由来を明らかにすることで望みの機能をもつ色素材料とその設計指針を提供します。
Materials with visible-light absorption and/or emission are utilizable as dyes/pigments in paints, electroluminescence (EL) devices, etc. We provide materials with a desired function(s) and their design strategy by systematic synthesis of molecule-based systems with various skeletons, structures and substituents, follows by revealing the origin/nature of their light absorption and emission.
Environment-Responsive Compounds
Materials whose light absorption and/or emission behaviors are varied by the surrounding environment enable visual detection as well as sensitive analysis. On the basis of precise design, we synthesize sensing compounds for specific environments (e.g., coexisting species, solvents, temperature, etc.), and reveal their behavior in detail.
Efficient Photoinduced-Reaction Systems
Owing to its high-energy nature, excited states generated by light absorption possess a large driving force for the reactions and often afford different reactions and products from thermal reactions. However, highly-concentrated reactants are typically required to obtain efficient reactions owing to short-lived characteristics of the excited states. We construct efficient photoinduced-reaction systems even with small amount of reactants by a simple method, and elucidate the behaviors aiming at an utilization in solar–energy conversion systems.